Global United Fellowship

Member Benefits

  • Spiritual Covering by our Presiding Bishop, Bishop Joel Peebles.
  • Genuine fellowship with Pastors across the globe.
  • Opportunity to be a part of a united body of Believers who not only believe in, but actually foster biblical unity among Christian Believers as one Body in Christ.
  • Opportunity to be a part of an international body of spiritual leaders, fellowships and congregations united to strategically plan, implement and execute transformative and generational change as well as expand the Kingdom of God to all the nations of the world.

Criteria for Membership

Complete and submit the Global United Fellowship Membership Application.

Submit Application Fee of $100.00.

Make Commitment for yourself, your Church, Ministry, Business or Fellowship to be in agreement and alignment with “What We Believe”.

Receipt of Acceptance letter from Office of Membership

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are a Pastor or if you have a ministry or business, you are welcomed and encouraged to apply for membership in the Global United Fellowship! We are a Christian Fellowship that embraces all Believers.

No, the size of your congregation does not have any bearing on whether or not you are accepted into the Global United Fellowship. We only ask for that information in the Membership Application to help us understand the covering that is needed for you and your ministry.

Applicants who already have a covering under a Fellowship, need only apply for affiliation, while applicants without a spiritual covering, may apply for covering under the Global United Fellowship, both aspects are submitted to the principles and guidelines of GUF.

Yes, the application process is the same for those seeking “affiliation” and those seeking “covering”. Please see the Criteria for Membership.

In addition to the initial application and two Annual Gifts are requested of all members.

The Application Fee: $100.00
The first fee is the non-refundable Application Fee. Every applicant is subject to this fee and it is required at the time applicants submit the Membership Application.

The Annual Gift & Donation: Non-specific Amount
The Annual Gift & Donation are two annual gifts that are requested of each member. These annual gifts are not specific in amount; however each member’s annual gift is due at the beginning of the year in January and mid-year in June.

GUF Benefits for Pastors

GUF Pastor’s Guild

GUF Gospel Artist Guild

GUF TV & Streaming

Pastor & Family Counseling Safe Haven

Seminary Level Education

Social Media & Digital Transformation Consulting

Business and Entrepreneurial Network & Resources

Access to the Black Wealth Summit

Core Ministry Consulting Services

Ministry Financial Services

GUF Intramural Sports Network

The Global Christians Actors Association

The Global United Fellowship Health and Fitness Initiative

5 Star Excellence Program

Impact Network Access

Church Building Investment & Investment Service

Access to Global United Fellowship Bookstore & Publishing