Global United Fellowship


GUF as a Christian Fellowship and organism commits to:

  • Embracing both the Eternal Transforming Power of Calvary and the Supernatural Power of Pentecost.
  • Demonstrating the principles of Holiness, Miracles and Revelation as exemplified specifically in the book of Acts and throughout the Scripture.
  • The inclusion of All baptized Christian believers who subscribe to the Gifts and Graces as well as submit to the Power and the Leading of the Holy Spirit in all aspects of their private and public lives.
  • Equipping and Empowering the Saints to do the Work of Ministry so as to experience Personal Victorious Living.
  • Strengthening the Body of Christ, forging Christian relationships, promoting Unity, exemplifying Integrity while building the Kingdom of God.
  • Providing Opportunities for ministry as well as preparing and releasing the gifted among the body in order to be a greater blessing and support to the entire body of Christ.
  • Embracing the Word of God as our guide for character, integrity and accountability.