Global United Fellowship

Christian Education Department

The mission statement of the Education Department of the Global United Fellowship is to educate, equip and empower Spiritual Leaders, fellowships and congregations so that they will effectively impact their local contexts while we through our united effort transform the world.

The Board of Education for the Global United Fellowship has identified three (3) primary methods it proposes to use as the instruments to accomplish the fulfillment of its primary mission. These are:

To Educate: We believe that it is our assignment to ensure that all who are a part of our fellowship come to know their true identity with God and proper placement in the Kingdom of God. With this information, our membership will be positioned to properly function and serve the vision of GUF. Because GUF is a global entity with a global reach, we will have to use both traditional and contemporary forms of communication to ensure unanimity.

To Equip: We believe that it is not only important that GUF members know their identity but additionally they must develop their skills in order to serve with excellence and proficiency. To achieve this we will have to maximize on every opportunity available to impart into the GUF family thus sharpening their skill set allowing them to become the best they can be. Primarily, we will seek to accomplish this during the times of our gatherings, both international and in our local settings.

To Empower: We also believe that it will be important for us to provide mentoring for all those who are of the GUF family so as to ensure that persons not only have the information and skill set to carry out their functions, but also have been mobilized to implement them in their local setting. To accomplish this we will seek to a) partner with some of the other departments so as to host events that would create opportunities for GUF members to put into practice what they have been educated and equipped to do; b) to expose members to experts in their area of concentration allowing them to glean from the wealth of experience they possess.

Board of Christian Education

The Christian Education Department presently falls under the oversight of Vice Presider Bishop Carolyn Showell and is led by Bishop John Guns who serves as Bishop of Christian Education.


GLI is the vehicle through which the Christian Education Department of the Global United Fellowship specifically train, equip and empower all of its Global Leaders to be better equipped to excel in their ministry assignment to the body of Christ.


KSI is the vehicle through which the Christian Education Department of the Global United Fellowship specifically train, equip and empower its laity constituents to assist and serve their God assigned leaders with excellence and proficiency.

At present, we offer both GLI and KSI classes at all of our annually scheduled meetings (the Gathering, Pastors & Ministry Workers Conference and the Pastor’s Summit). The Christian Education Department has put together a core curriculum of studies for those seeking to strengthen their qualifications and preparation in the area of their Christian vocation. When completed, successful participants will be eligible to participate in a formal graduation which we anticipate to be first scheduled for July of 2017.

Provinces, Parishes and Districts

The Christian Education department is also prepared to help structure and support the local or regional Christian Education Departments for all Provinces, Parishes and Districts. For further information please contact the Bishop of Christian Education below.

GUF Education Department – Bishop Johns Guns